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Marathon Anywhere - v1.14 [RC] Posted

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:55 am
by Baak
An updated Release Candidate of the Marathon Anywhere multiplayer plugin (v1.14 [RC]) has been posted on the OoH Battle Plan.
  • Grab it and get your game on! :)
I've included all the Patch 1.6 tweaks as appropriate (there were a lot of them - imagine doing "Missile Attack Not Affected by Height" for 35 monsters, etc...), and all the requested tweaks discussed in our previous Mara AW thread.

I also decided to substitute a modified Hulk unit for Wights instead of the Assimilated BoB since it's too easy to have all your troops wiped out by long range fire (by hitting the A-BoB). This will hopefully be the last gameplay balancing factor. I made him faster and made his attack very Forest Giant-like, which should make things interesting.

A question for Marathon players: The Hulk's vitality was 30 to 70 - a huge range - I've set him at 30 to 40 for now. Did 30 to 70 make sense somehow with the original Marathon game? This is another thing we need to look at when playing (e.g. is 35 to 45 better?).

We're going to play the plugin tomorrow night and would appreciate feedback from any and all as soon as possible as I am going off-line on Apr 18 for about three weeks and want to get a v1.15 Anywhere Multiplayer Pak posted before I leave.

Things we're looking for in the v1.14 [RC]:

(1) Does the Hulk unit balance nicely? If not, what to change?

(2) Does the new activation range of Marines and BoB's play well? If not, what to change?

(3) Anything else that still doesn't play quite right?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:33 am
by Baak
Only things we found so far are:

* Hulk is great substitute for Wights but shouldn't flinch.
* Hulk mb need a little more vitality (am thinking 35-45 instead of 30-40)
* flick'ta need "does not close on target" unset (was set this version)
* forgot to set "don't shoot friendlies" for a couple of units
* troopers' nade slightly funky (will have to see film on that)
* SPNKR blast should probably hurt self and/or not be super close

Otherwise was quite fun! Played on Sleepy Hollow Redux with two teams and was a blast (heh)!

Will plan to post a 1.15 of the whole Anywhere Multipak early in the week, so please let me know if you find anything else. Otherwise changes will have to wait until I return from a few week road trip.

BTW, played Blue&Grey again and was great fun - on Titus Groan - good end battle.